May 11, 2009

I am...

feeling like I'm going through a metamorphosis these days. I have made some major changes in my life from job to school and back again. If it wasn't for faith and family I would've probably had a break down. Why didn't anyone tell me that between the ages of 23 and 25 your mind wrecks havoc on your universe. LOL! I started doubting myself, becoming really lazy, and above all started to lack confidence in my decision making. That's when I knew I needed to snap-out-of-it and QUICK! I needed to move forward and not let what everyone around me thought or said dictate my future and my feelings. --- sidebar---

~~ Thank goodness for Mother's (by the way I love you mom, and again Happy
Mother's Day) because without her quick wit and inspirational words I might still be in a funk.

Seriously, I can't be the only 20-something going through it right now ... with the job loss rate at and all time high and the need for reward and achievement has been weighing me down lately.
Not to mention since being married I've gained at least 10-15lbs and my curves have gone from proportion to out of whack! Which could add to my feelings... Needless to say, I've started walking/jogging around my complex and I'm thinking about signing up for a 5k (ran XC in high school and it was a blast!). It'll be the motivation I need to get in shape. Thank goodness I'm still in my 20's and I can get back into shape fast.

We'll I'm back and definitely on the rise!!! Let's go...

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