June 27, 2009

Learning Day!

Today, I'm really excited! We are going to a communication and stress management session at our church, hosted by the marriage ministry.
I enjoy being around other married Christian couples because of the knowledge transfer and fun we always seem to have.
I know I'm going to take some pointers away and I will share.

God Bless!

June 19, 2009


Testing my mobile blog capabilities, for when I'm in the rural parts of the country, and don't feel like bringing the laptop.

marriage 101:

How do you communicate with your spouse? This is a question that we all think we know the answer to but do we really! So here is a break down and lets see were you fall:

~ the Listener: is the one who is constantly listening by definition... to give attention with the ear; attend closely for the purpose of hearing... a good listener knows that a response is not always warranted and knows how to address problems specifically...
~ the Talker: in most cases, just likes to hear themselves talk, so that they can navigate through a problem or situation themselves... some ideas, that your talkative spouse voices are rhetorical because they have the solution already worked out in their mind...
~ the Lover: a hopeless romantic... (end of story) lets remember, life isn't a movie!
~ the Giver: the spouse who by definition, presents voluntarily without the "I did this" or "I do this for you" attitude... they just do it, without the need for compensation...
~ the Receiver: the spouse that always takes and doesn't give in return... not the best quality to have but can be turned around...

In an ideal communication setting we would have great listening skills, be awesome lovers, and be able to give and receive without an ego. Not every situation yields itself to this but it is good to be armed and ready.

By no means am I an expert in the field of communication but these are somethings that I have become aware of and wanted to share.

June 15, 2009

Dude, Like Whatever!

Yesterday, we used the 52 Great Cheap Dates and my hubby picked Totally High School. We had to act like we where in HS all over again.

First, we had an impromptu double date after church, that was awesome! Like, what you would do if your best girlfriend and her boyfriend showed up at the restaurant. We ate, talked, laughed, and joked, etc. Since, J picked the card everything had to be a surprise, so after brunch. I was told to meet him at the movie theater. We saw The Taking of Pelham 123, a great movie! J walked me to my car, opened the door, and leaned in for a kiss. After the kiss he said, this is awesome! We have now completed the card, I got a first kiss all over again. Too cute!

Currently debating, if we should make the cards a weekly or monthly occurrence. Must say, the acting like in HS was great fun...

June 12, 2009

Happy Friday!!!

Dance into the weekend!!!!

June 9, 2009

Young, Married, and on a Budget!

An amazing Barnes and Noble find... I was near the check out counter looking at the great quotable magnets they have and stumbled upon these cards by Lynn Gordon... 52 Great Cheap Dates. I was like a kid in a candy store when I saw this, my eyes got as big as a quarter and I had this cheesy smile on my face. James and I have been trying to find other things to do on date night besides the movies, dinner, bowling and the sunny day picnic.
I bought them only reading the front cover and the back. When I got home I opened the cellophane and read at least half of the cards with excitement. Noticing that some of them I had never even thought of or thinking it may be corney never brought it up in conversation as something to do... But it's funny how when you hear or read someone else doing it you automatically think its ok or cool.
On the front of each card is a cute drawing of the date and the back details the date. For example, All Aboard! has you and your spouse or significant other boarding a train and picking the destination spur of the moment. Only armed with a sweater and pinic for the train ride or when you arrive... Talk about being spontaneous...
Also in the 52 series is 52 Ways to Stay in Love Forever and 52 Really Romantic Dates. I havn't purchased these but I'm looking forward to these cards adding some extra fun... I'll update on the next date night and how it went with the use of the 52 series.

June 8, 2009

Monday Motivation!

what would you attempt to do if you knew you could not FAIL!
~ unknown

So, get out their and do something, anything!!! Take some chances and don't let life pass you by.

June 5, 2009

1 Corinthians 13:13

the building blocks of life...
FAITH: is your concrete. it allows you to keep your feet firmly rooted in the ground.
HOPE: is your shelter, it's that thought or feeling you cling to.
LOVE: is freedom to be you, unconditionally. to shoot for the moon and fall amongst the stars...
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13 (NIV)
I found this photo on flicker by I thought it was amazing...

June 3, 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to me ... Happy Birthday to me ... Happy Birthday!!!

It's my birthday, my birthday.... Thank you Lord for letting me see another year of life!

24 looks good on me...
~~~ time to set some year goals and accomplish greatness!!!