How do you communicate with your spouse? This is a question that we all think we know the answer to but do we really! So here is a break down and lets see were you fall:
~ the
Listener: is the one who is constantly listening by definition... to give attention with the ear; attend closely for the purpose of hearing... a good listener knows that a response is not always warranted and knows how to address problems specifically...
~ the
Talker: in most cases, just likes to hear themselves talk, so that they can navigate through a problem or situation themselves... some ideas, that your talkative spouse voices are rhetorical because they have the solution already worked out in their mind...
~ the
Lover: a hopeless romantic... (end of story) lets remember, life isn't a movie!
~ the
Giver: the spouse who by definition, presents voluntarily without the "I did this" or "I do this for you" attitude... they just do it, without the need for compensation...
~ the
Receiver: the spouse that always takes and doesn't give in return... not the best quality to have but can be turned around...
In an ideal communication setting we would have great listening skills, be awesome lovers, and be able to give and receive without an ego. Not every situation yields itself to this but it is good to be armed and ready.
By no means am I an expert in the field of communication but these are somethings that I have become aware of and wanted to share.